
The Bible explains that our world is God’s good creation, a display of his honour and majesty. However, humanity has chosen to try to run life independently from God. This has disastrous consequences.
Life lived in opposition to the maker naturally breaks down—we cannot control God’s world without him. We begin to experience the just judgement from the maker we have rebelled against.
We can all see that creation no longer reflects the majesty and honour of God. God could justly put an end to his rebellious creatures, but in his love, treats us differently to what we deserve.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
John, Chapter 3 verse 16
Jesus, the Son of God, is God’s rescue plan for his us. Jesus did not rebel against God—he was perfect. He is God’s gift to us in that he, being the perfect human, can be punished or judged in our place. On the cross Jesus Christ dies taking the punishment of separation from God that we all deserve. Therefore, anyone who believes in him can escape God’s anger. But that is not all, they can reconnect with God and start to experience life the way it should be, finding true freedom in obediently serving our creator.
The Bible explains that this sacrificial action of Jesus brings great honour to God. All who believe in Jesus continue to bring honour to God. But God’s patience with ongoing rebels who bring him dishonour will run out, and Jesus will soon return to eternally punish.
Christians are eternally thankful to Jesus as our saviour, and endeavour to live rightly under him as Lord. The Bible explains that we need supernatural help to do this. We can never be thankful enough or good enough to earn ‘saved’ status. We must be saved first, then thankfulness and obedience rightly follow.
Will you accept God’s rescue plan in Jesus right now or will you continue to live as a rebel?