Our Church Services

Sundays 8am

Communion Service

Join us for a more formal gathering in the Anglican tradition, with traditional hymns supported by a choir. Most weeks we enjoy sharing Holy Communion together. Morning tea is available after this gathering.

Sundays 10am

Family Services

Join us at a more informal family orientated gathering which is interactive for people of all age groups. Creche facilities are available and in school terms a children’s program runs during this service. Morning tea is also available.

5th Sunday (next: 30 March 2025)

Combined Service

Four times a year both congregations meet together at 9am to enjoy a combined style of gathering. During school terms our children’s program runs during this service, and we enjoy morning tea together afterwards.

Interactive Gatherings

NBA Online

Online Service – For those who are unable to attend our weekly Sunday gatherings, you can access our sermon series on our Youtube Channel, NBA Online.